Data in a Box
Jump start your GIS experience with reliable and credible data today with our pre-configured ready-to-use GIS Data in a Box.

The Challenge
With the increase in geospatial technology globally, the importance of reliable and credible data is essential. Spatial data enriches an information base which can be used to support decision making within a company or organisation. As we know data can be sourced from different service providers, however there is always a concern about the accuracy and reliability of this data. Sourcing curated datasets may be a costly and a timeous task.
The Solution
Team Esri South Africa has recently launched Data in a Box (version three). The purpose of Data in a Box provides companies or organisations with multiple curated themed datasets that can be used to perform basic spatial analyses and mapping visualisation. The packaged data allows the company or organisation to quickly achieve insights and gain actionable location intelligence.
Data in a Box is a collection of South African national public datasets that is packaged and pre-configured to work with ArcGIS products. The aggregated datasets are sourced from multiple providers including Open street Maps (OSM), National Geospatial Information (NGI), South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) and Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) to name a few.
The datasets are arranged under themes, such as environmental data, basemap data, demographic data (Census 2011 and Community Survey 2016) etc. Environmental data typically includes conservation and protected areas, freshwater ecosystems, marine assessment, wetlands, vegetation and the 2013/2014 National Land Cover. The Basemap data include administrative boundaries, cadastre, elevation, roads, watercourse, built-up areas and more; while the Demographic data includes Census 2011 data. The Community Survey 2016 is a large-scale survey that happens in between Censuses 2011 and 2021. The main objective is to provide population and household statistics at municipal level to government and the private sector, to support planning and decision-making.
The preconfigured data collection offers users access to ready-to-use data, which consists of map documents and file geodatabases with predefined symbology, customisation of coded colours, and scale sets, and includes a data information document. The Data in a Box Information Document provides the user of the data with a User Matrix guide, data use cases as well as Metadata that summarises the basic information about the datasets. This enables users to immediately start using their software without the delay of waiting for data. The data collection is already freely available with your ‘ArcGIS in a Box’ purchase.
The once-off cost of R349 excl VAT is applicable to customers with an enterprise licence agreement, maintenance licences, first year licence purchases and SMME Location Solution packages. The cost fee includes the processed data on an 8GB USB that is ready to use.
For more information contact [email protected]